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Fil Madrid: A collaboration between Zondax and Filecoin Foundation

Apr 26, 2024

Last Monday evening, April 22nd, Zondax partnered with the Filecoin Foundation as part of their Orbit program to host an enlightening event at Madrid’s CryptoCafé. This gathering attracted a vibrant crowd of blockchain enthusiasts and experts, all keen to deepen their understanding of blockchain technology, with a special focus on Filecoin and the Filecoin Virtual Machine (FVM).

The event began with an insightful presentation by Robert Dowling from the Filecoin Foundation. Robert adeptly covered the essentials of blockchain technology, tracing its evolution from the inception of Bitcoin through to the innovative developments at Filecoin. His talk served as a solid foundation for the discussions that followed.

Next, Sarah Thiam, a Developer Relations Specialist at Protocol Labs, took the stage to explore the InterPlanetary Consensus. She illustrated how this ambitious initiative is poised to significantly boost Filecoin’s functionality, engaging the audience with her enthusiasm and deep knowledge of the subject.

From Zondax, Ainhoa Aldave introduced Beryx, discussing its integral role in spearheading the decentralized open data economy. Ainhoa’s passion for the topic was evident and resonated well with the audience, sparking lively discussions among the participants.

To round off the series of presentations, Aaron Stanley detailed the workings of the Orbit program and extended an invitation to the guests to get involved. His talk not only highlighted the opportunities within the program but also emphasized the collaborative spirit of the blockchain community.

The event was not just about discussions and learning; it also captured the essence of Madrid's vibrant tech community. CryptoCafé provided the perfect backdrop with its cozy and trendy ambiance, complete with delicious snacks that were a hit among the attendees. The evening was a blend of rich conversations, new connections, and a shared enthusiasm for the future of blockchain technology, marking yet another successful web3 event in the heart of Madrid.

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