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Filecoin Upgrade v22: Dragon

Apr 15, 2024

  • Network upgrade v22, codenamed Dragon, scheduled for April 24th, 2024, at 14:00 UTC.
  • All node operators, including storage providers, need to upgrade to Filecoin Lotus v1.26.2 before the upgrade date.
  • The upgrade brings new features and improvements to the Lotus API to support the Filecoin ecosystem's growth.
  • This update includes a significant state migration due to Direct Data Onboarding
  • The Lotus v1.26.2 release introduces the mandatory Filecoin network upgrade v22, codenamed Dragon, which is pivotal for enhancing the Filecoin ecosystem's efficiency and security. This version, featuring the switch to a new Drand network (Phoenix), incorporates significant FIPs aimed at streamlining operations and fostering innovation. With updates like Direct Data Onboarding and new built-in Actor events, it sets a new standard for blockchain performance and functionality. The release emphasizes the importance of migration readiness and offers detailed guidance for a smooth transition, showcasing Lotus' commitment to supporting its community through technological advancements. This release sets the stage for significant improvements, including the implementation of FIPs such as:

  • FIP-0063 (switching to a new Drand mainnet network): introduces a crucial update for the Filecoin network, focusing on the transition to a new Drand mainnet network. This change aims to enhance the network's security and reliability by updating the Drand network parameters used by Filecoin. The implementation of this FIP is vital for maintaining the integrity and functionality of the Filecoin blockchain, ensuring that it continues to operate smoothly with improved randomness sources.
  • FIP-0074 (removing cron-based automatic deal settlement): proposes the removal of automatic deal settlement through cron tasks in the Filecoin network. This change aims to simplify network operations and reduce unnecessary computational load, shifting the responsibility of deal finalization to clients and miners through manual transaction initiation. This adjustment is expected to enhance the efficiency and scalability of the network by eliminating the automatic execution of deal settlements, which previously required significant resources.
  • FIP-0076 (direct data onboarding): focuses on implementing Direct Data Onboarding (DDO) within the Filecoin network, aiming to streamline the process of large-scale data migration into Filecoin by enabling more efficient data onboarding mechanisms. This proposal seeks to enhance the network's capacity for handling large data transfers, thereby improving its utility for large data storage needs.
  • FIP-0083 (adding built-in Actor events): introduces built-in Actor events to the Filecoin network, aiming to enhance the efficiency and reliability of event tracking within smart contracts. This feature allows developers to more effectively monitor and respond to contract-related activities, improving the overall functionality and user experience of decentralized applications on Filecoin.
  • Notably, this version prepares the mainnet network for an upgrade, emphasizes a heavier-than-normal state migration due to Direct Data Onboarding, and provides guidance for node operators on pre-migration and migration processes. Additionally, it enhances the Lotus API with new features and improvements, aiming to bolster the Filecoin ecosystem's robustness and efficiency.

    Upgrade Warnings for Exchanges

    This release requires a minimum Go version of v1.21.7 or higher to successfully build Lotus.

    At Zondax we develop and maintain the Rosetta integration for Protocol Lab's Filecoin project, tailored specially to the use cases of exchanges, with focus on:

    Follow us on X, and LinkedIn, for more release updates.

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