

Improving Cryptography Across ...

Improving Cryptography Across the Cosmos Ecosystem with the New CryptoProvider Interface

September 6, 2024

3 min read


Future-proof your Cosmos SDK with CryptoProvider: versatile cryptography, HSM support, modular design, and seamless integration for top-notch security.

From developers to developers: We’re excited to introduce the latest demo iteration of the CryptoProvider, designed to elevate your operations across the Cosmos SDK and CometBFT. This upgrade isn't just about making your life easier; it’s about future-proofing your development process and enhancing security across the board. 

With versatile cryptography at its core, this new CryptoProvider allows for seamless integration of various cryptographic methods, making it adaptable to any security requirement you might encounter. Its future-proof design ensures that as cryptographic technologies evolve, your system remains cutting-edge, incorporating new methods without a hitch.

Security remains the most important topic, and that’s why we’re working on integrating support for Hardware Security Modules (HSMs). This advanced security option adds an extra layer of protection for critical operations, keeping your data secure in an increasingly complex threat landscape.

We’re also helping to improve the development environment, offering a more intuitive and organized structure that streamlines the creation and maintenance of your blockchain applications. The modular architecture further enhances this by separating cryptographic functions into distinct components, allowing for easier updates and customization without disrupting the entire system.

Continuity is essential, so we're maintaining backwards compatibility. Once implemented, your existing applications will keep running smoothly after the implementation, minimizing disruptions to your current users and systems. Additionally, with cloud integration support, you have the flexibility to deploy security services in the cloud, potentially strengthening your security measures.

In short, this new CryptoProvider is all about making your development process more efficient, secure, and future-ready. 

CryptoProvider Interface: A Foundation for Cryptographic Operations

The introduction of the CryptoProvider interface, as detailed in ADR 001, marks a shift towards a more modular and secure cryptographic framework. This interface encapsulates essential cryptographic functionalities such as signing, verifying, and hashing, allowing for easy integration and flexibility. With this approach, developers can implement various cryptographic curves and methods, ensuring that applications are both secure and adaptable to future technologies.

Implementing CryptoProvider in the Cosmos SDK.

ADR-072 discusses the integration of the CryptoProvider into the Cosmos SDK. This integration focuses on refactoring the existing Keyring and cosmos-sdk/crypto to support a diverse set of cryptographic methods through a unified interface. The new Keyring design promises enhanced modularity and security, making the SDK more flexible in handling different security standards and performance requirements. This transition not only streamlines cryptographic operations but also addresses previous limitations by allowing for an easier upgrade path and better maintenance practices.

CometBFT Adopts CryptoProvider.

In ADR-117, the CometBFT framework adopts the CryptoProvider interface to refactor its PrivValidator Interface facilitating a pluggable cryptographic system. This adaptation allows CometBFT to maintain its existing logic while integrating multiple cryptographic implementations seamlessly. Such flexibility is crucial for adapting to new and more secure signing methods without extensive rewrites of existing code, ensuring that CometBFT remains at the cutting edge of blockchain security technologies.

Benefits Across the Board

The adoption of the CryptoProvider interface brings several cross-cutting benefits to the Interchain ecosystem:

  • Enhanced Security: By standardizing cryptographic operations, the ecosystem strengthens its defense against evolving security threats.

  • Maintainability and Scalability: Modular cryptography simplifies updates and maintenance, allowing developers to implement new features without disrupting existing functionality.

  • Performance Optimization: With the ability to choose the most appropriate cryptographic curve for a particular application, systems can optimize performance based on specific use cases.

  • Supporting a variety of cryptographic primitives: The current list, which is subject to expansion, includes several digital signature schemes: 

    • RSA with PSS padding, various ECDSA types, EdDSA variants, SR25519, Schnorr signatures, lattice-based cryptography like Dilithium, and BLS signatures. This selection reflects the team's commitment to staying adaptable to future security needs and technological advancements.

The integration of the CryptoProvider interface is a transformative step for the Cosmos ecosystem, setting a new standard for blockchain cryptography. This initiative not only enhances security and flexibility but also demonstrates Cosmos' commitment to innovation and community collaboration.

We encourage the Interchain communities to engage with these developments, provide feedback, and participate in the testing phases to help us refine and perfect these implementations. Together, we can achieve a more secure, efficient, and adaptable blockchain ecosystem.

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Improving Cryptography Across the Cosmos Ecosystem with the New CryptoProvider Interface

Future-proof your Cosmos SDK with CryptoProvider: versatile cryptography, HSM support, modular design, and seamless integration for top-notch security.
